ISDE Spain 2024 | Day 4 Highlights & Results
ISDE Spain 2024 | Day 4 Highlights & Results
Day 4 of the 2024 ISDE in Galicia, Spain saw, you guessed it, more rain showers, slippery conditions, and a clapped out circuit from yesterday. But if you ask every rider out there, they’ll tell you that the ISDE is not supposed to be easy. That’s what makes finishing this race such a great accomplishment.
Here’s what went down in the Trophy classes:
World Trophy top spot is still the French team. They’re up around 7 minutes over the new 2nd place, the American team! Solid top 10 and 20 finishes by all four Americans propelled them past the Spanish by a minute and a half, despite another blistering day by Josep Garcia Montana. Spain is now in 3rd position.
Women’s World Trophy racing featured a quality run by the Australian ladies, who cut their deficit down to around 4 minutes behind the Americans. The Swedish women are 15 minutes behind the Aussies now. This is most likely the way that this class will finish, barring any crazy incidents tomorrow.
Junior World Trophy places remain unchanged after day 4. Sweden, France (-2 minutes), and the U.S. Team in 3rd (-9 minutes).
Club Team Classes:
Italy’s Club Team seems to have this thing wrapped up with a 16 minute lead over the 2nd place French team. This is where things get sticky. Behind the French is GTBN, only 1.5 minutes behind, and XC Gear is only 25 seconds behind them. A great effort by any of these three Club teams on Friday could give them the Silver Medal position. Should make for some great racing.
US Sprint Enduro club team remains in 8th place. Anson finally got some bragging rights over his teammates, getting the fast time for the day. Nice effort!
The Missouri Mudders Club Team is currently in 16th position. This team includes Huck Jenkins, Eric Forsburg on a 250 2-stroke, and Eric Stevenson. Way to crack the top 20 men!
The Hough Legacy Racing Club Team had a rough day. They fell down to 82nd position.Tanner Whipple had a blazing fast sub 3 hour time on his big 500, but Tyler Vore and Trevor Maley were over 1.5 hours off the pace.
In the Women’s Club Team Division, The Eric Cleveland Memorial ladies have all but wrapped up the trophy. They lead by over an hour on 2nd place and 2 hours over 3rd place. Only a total catastrophe tomorrow can stop them. Let’s go get the first Women’s Club Trophy Team U.S.A.!
Another recap tomorrow, and then the relatively easy moto day Saturday will finish off the ISDE.